Bloodborne Pathogen Spill Clean Up Kit with CPR Pack, 31 Pieces, Plastic Case

Keep this portable kit on hand to safely clean up potentially infectious materials such as blood or vomit after a bloodborne pathogen incident. Holds everything needed to safely collect and dispose of biohazardous material. Number of Pieces: 31; Mounting: Wall; Case Material: Plastic; Width: 9".

Bulk ANSI 2015 Compliant Class B Type III First Aid Kit for 50 People, 199 Pieces, Plastic Case

Ensure employee safety with a convenient, handy plastic first aid kit, containing key items for office, vehicle and worksite kits. Supplies feature bilingual labels in English and Spanish for easy reading in an emergency. For Up to 50 People—199 pieces. System Capacity: 50 Person System; Number of Pieces: 199; Mounting: Wall; Case Material: Plastic.

Bulk ANSI 2015 Compliant First Aid Kit, 211 Pieces, Plastic Case

Ensure employee safety with a convenient, handy plastic first aid kit, containing key items for office, vehicle and worksite kits. Supplies feature bilingual labels in English and Spanish for easy reading in an emergency. Number of Pieces: 211; Case Material: Plastic; Width: 12"; Depth: 9".

Complete Care First Aid Kit Refill, 271 Pieces, Box

Each kit contains alcohol pads, antibiotic ointment, bandages and gauze. Refill kit with oversized window for easy viewing of refill contents. Use as a stand-alone first aid kit or place directly into your first aid case. Complete—Includes 271 first aid items. Number of Pieces: 271; Case Material: Paper Box; Width: 6"; Depth: 9".

Contractor ANSI Class A+ First Aid Kit for 25 People, 128 Pieces, Plastic Case

Convenient first aid kit in a weatherproof case. Comes with a carrying handle and is wall mountable. Contents exceed the 2015 ANSI Class A+ requirements. For Up to 25 People—128 pieces. System Capacity: 25 Person System; Number of Pieces: 128; Mounting: Wall; Case Material: Plastic.

Contractor ANSI Class B First Aid Kit for 50 People, 254 Pieces, Metal Case

Convenient first aid kit in a metal weatherproof case. Comes with a carrying handle and is wall mountable. Contents exceed the 2015 ANSI Class B requirements. For Up to 50 People—254 pieces. System Capacity: 50 Person System; Number of Pieces: 254; Mounting: Wall; Case Material: Metal.

Emergency Preparedness First Aid Backpack, 43 Pieces/Kit

Spacious orange backpack has glow-in-the-dark tag that makes it easy to find. Contains essential supplies you need in an emergency based on FEMA and American Red Cross guidelines. Includes water, whistle, light stick, rain poncho, emergency blanket, first aid kit, mask, vinyl gloves and four hand sanitizer packets. Number of Pieces: 43; Case Material: Nylon Fabric; Width: 12.5"; Depth: 4.5".

Emergency Preparedness First Aid Backpack, XL, 63 Pieces, Nylon Fabric

Spacious orange backpack has glow-in-the-dark tag that makes it easy to find. Contains essential supplies you need in an emergency based on FEMA and American Red Cross guidelines. Includes water, food, whistle, light stick, flashlight with batteries, rain poncho, emergency blanket, hand warmers, first aid kit, mask, cotton gloves and two hand sanitizer packets. Meets or exceeds OSHA requirements. System Capacity: 1 Person System; Number of Pieces: 63; Case Material: Nylon Fabric; Width: 12.5".

Essentials First Aid Kit for 5 People, 138 Pieces, Plastic Case

Portable essentials first aid kit allows you to be ready for all potential emergencies on the road. Our new generation of hard kit is specially designed for easy access, to save time and frustration in the midst of emergency situations. Economical kit in a convenient size for safety on-the-go. Includes First Aid Guide/accident report form, vinyl gloves, insect sting relief, assorted bandages and gauze dressings, antiseptics, ointments, burn cream, and more! Compact, hard-case kit is an excellent choice for stowing in your car, in case of emergencies. System Capacity: 5 Person System; Number of Pieces: 138; Case Material: Plastic; Width: 9".

Eye Care Treatment Pack, 10 Pieces, Resealable Plastic Bag

Grab-and-go eye care treatment pack can stand upright and is easy to carry to an emergency. Number of Pieces: 10; Contains: Conforming Gauze Roll (4" x 4 yd); Eyewash (4 oz); First Aid Tape (0.5" x 5 yd); (5) Hand Sanitizer Packets; (2) Sterile Eye Pads; Case Material: Resealable Plastic Bag; Width: 5.5".

First Aid Kit for 25 People, 104 Pieces, OSHA Compliant, Metal Case

18 first aid products, 106 pieces in a metal case with mountable hanger for convenient removal and transport. (Mounting hardware not included). For Up to 25 People—107 pieces. System Capacity: 25 Person System; Number of Pieces: 104; Mounting: Wall; Case Material: Metal.

First Aid Kit for 50 People, 229 Pieces, ANSI/OSHA Compliant, Plastic Case

195-piece kit, in compartmental plastic case. Also includes 28-piece bloodborne pathogen/personal protection kit and six-piece CPR pack with one-way valve faceshield. Plastic case is wall mountable (hardware not included). Full-color reorder schematic. System Capacity: 50 Person System; Number of Pieces: 229; Mounting: Wall; Case Material: Plastic.